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Every minute art lives in people. It's improbable to imagine our life out of art. It ascends to those times, when primitive people discovered how to draw on the cliffs, to do tools, to sing songs, just learned the importance of art. Over time, the culture was fluctuating. But in contradistinction to humans who live and die, the art is immortal. Ageless creations of the leading musicians such as Mendelssohn or Rossini, will always exist. Whether it's writers or composers, they put their heart and feelings in every kind of art - painting, writing, music, theater. Hence, a person can experience a definite respect to their work and patience. We will never forget such pieces of art as Notre Dame Cathedral and Leaning Tower of Pisa. A distinctive skill of the author is in the fact that every man sees something unusual in any piece of art, his spiritual feelings. Let us say, several directors may make a TV series due to the same book, and all releases will be perfectly distinct, and we – the public will take their work in different ways. However the mission of the man of any epoch is to preserve art for the progeny.


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